Outlook autoforward

Here’s a macro I wrote to automatically forward outlook emails sent to my work email address to a personal email address.

Outlook does have an autoforward feature, but that seems to have been disabled at my workplace.

This adds the string “AutoFwd:” to the email title and sends it on to the given email address.  This allows easy deleting.  This method requires leaving outlook running at work which is less than ideal.  It also clutters the ‘sent items’ folder.  It would also be nice to send it “from” the original sender, but I haven’t found a way to do that yet.

Other than that, it seems to work well.

Sub ForwardMail(mail As Outlook.MailItem)
Set FwdMail = item.Forward
FwdMail.Recipients.Add “myname@mydomain.com.au”
FwdMail.Subject = “AutoFwd: ” + item.Subject
End Sub

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